
Poor Me!

CTV's moderator is frequently whining and complaining about time constraints and being "too busy" to deal with the basic functions of managing this CRIME board. Is this a declaration of being unable to handle the job? What is so difficult? Message boards are a fascination of thousands of internet addicts. Crime interests are on the increase and targeting this group is a source of advertising to generate capitol! Advertisements, by the way, were a recent addition that CTV suddenly found the funds to implement on the boards. Most message boards are presented the same challenges and successfully carry on without this whimpering. But at CTV it appears this common task of moderating is exasperating the self stated over worked employee(s).

Coldwater blames management in her posts with claims that her pleas for improvements and upgrades have fallen on deaf ears. Is this not typical of most whining to any corporation, much less this goodwill gift from Time Warner and Liberty Media? (Goodwill meaning the second hand shops of unwanted junk, not the kindness of hearts) If somehow TW and LM suddenly found this lost child of a message board; emails and icons would not FIX the administration problems! Eliminating the constant malfunctions of white pages, server overloads and enhancing the software features would be like buying a Porsche for someone that can not drive! It is the total package: presentation, operation, and administration that is in need of being examined. Don't hold your breath though; Time Warner obviously does not value these consumers.

Coldwater's poor me attitude reminds me of the criminals caught in the cases CTV likes to present. By their own doing, they put themselves in a position they are not prepared to handle. Such is the case with Coldwater and the poor administration of these boards. Advertised and represented as a Trial and Crime discussion community, yet these very topics often take a back seat to nonsensical chats! Games were given their own board! Open court has been taken over by chats which have absolutely no value! These only take admin time away from the intended package when repeated vulgar cyber parties break out or someone's toe nail hurts. Useless forums and threads created or approved by Coldwater! Unable to make appropriate judgment calls alone, Coldwater submits questions as to how these forums and threads should be laid out and where would the limited users like to see them placed. Talk about time constraints! If Ms busy bee wants to compete with yahoo, what are they doing here at a Trial and Crime board?! Obviously there are some serious misconceptions about what constitutes crime buffs interests! These common practices not only create extra work for this 'poor me' moderator; they sabotage the millions spent on corporate goals to guide consumers to the sponsored television programs, cable investments, etc. They further fail to draw consumers towards their vast financial investments of print and televised media outlets. Who wants to buy and read People Magazine or order cable TV to view CNN and CTV programs when there is a word jumble game diverting their attention?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coldwater is not a moderator. She asks posters to do her job for her and then solicits posts that a selected number of posters want banned because they disagree with the position. The rules fluctuate and are selectively enforced by Coldwater depending on the poster and his/her viewpoint.

The concept of innocent until proven guilty does not exist at ctv boards. Freedom of speech does not exist at ctv. Rather ironic a joint venture intended to bring the courtroom into the home does not advocate the very laws on which that courtroom was founded.

Go figure.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I became a member at CTV because I am emplyed in the legal field, I love the law, and I am so fascinated with the court system and some of the cases I thought CTV would be a great place to learn and debate about current trials.

Instead, I see silly chat threads, a game board, and ALOT of very articulate posters have left for good. All because the moderator plays favorites, plays bully, and changes the rules constantly. Nobody knows what the criteria is that causes her to ban, and it changes from day to day and from poster to poster.

FWIW - I am NOT a banned poster. I have been a poster for more than a year there. I have no axe to grind except to say that I am truly disappointed in the management/moderation of the CTV Board and I don't anticipate ever having a serious court discussion on a board that is supposed to be geared to attract court/legal fans (go figure).

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTV is a horrible message board, terribly moderated, overly moderated and there is no justice for banned posters..the advertisements are irritating. I am a member but choose to frequent the board less and less.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree about CTV. I was very disapointed upon visiting CTV message boards. The moderator named Coldwater is quite biased. I happened to notice she/he favors certain members. Whomever it was that stated they are not about innocent until guilty, has that right! I have not dared to post after the one and only time I did. I will not waste my time on this forum. Coldwater actually edited my post to fit his/her opinion and then blocked me. I only asked a question about a case. Allot of people will not go there because of the topics (OT), & the biased Moderators.

4:51 PM  

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