

The MOD will gladly remind you it is a private board created by Court TV, and as such is not subject to the constitutional rights to free speech. This is one area of the TOS the finicky force does like to present. When you are ZAPPED by the power hungry moderator at Court TV; there is no trial, no defense, and no recourse to undo the silent hatchet job. You are locked out and all posts are deleted.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do
She gave them some broth without any bread
She whipped them all soundly, and put them to bed

Unlike most board moderators that might take a second to offer a word of caution when they see a pending storm brewing; at CTV board the MOD is usually silent. As cyber-brawls break out; I see a mental image of there was an old woman that lived in a shoe. Wildly waving arms saying; oh! Let them kill each other for all I care! Is this a way to job security perhaps? Although often heard whining about time constraints it seems they chose to bypass the shorter warning method for a wait until it is really a mess of bashes and fights. This, of course, is a self fulfilling prophecy since it then takes the clean up efforts similar to that of New York City sanitary engineers.
It is not uncommon to get banned or lose posts by "mistake" in these haste makes waste sweeps. At least that was the explanation given to some unfortunate members. They are also told it is impossible to be reinstated. Now, not only do we have incompetence delete a member without cause, but a liar comes into the mix! I have personally read posts where some were in fact reinstated after being banned!

"In that direction," the Cat said, waving its right paw round, "lives a Hatter: and in that direction," waving the other paw, "lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad." "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be, said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your summation of what is obviously the worst run message board in the USA. On a weekend after the Gulf hurricane disaster, all threads about the hurricane, some offering resouces and links to other locations, some asking questions for the public to answer, all of them were FROZEN, because of the holiday.

Time Warner is obviously only in this to collect revenues from the pesky banner advertizers on the side of the CTV message board forum. They are only in it for themselves, hang the nation in this moment of distress! How American of them!

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The so called moderator of CTV's board is by far the most biased in the history of message boards. She doesnt take time to look into posts before she bans unless it involves members of her own A list and then she turns a blind eye to the actions of the ones who start the trouble.

And yes she does lie. My nic was completely removed after I received threats by a poster who claimed to be a cop who was hunting me down. When I asked Coldwater about it I was told it was a technical problem and there was no way to get the name back. Just a few days before 2 posters who had been banned had their nics reinstated. Kind of convenient since Coldwater knew about the threats and false claims of being LE made by a g.

Everyone who has been treated unfairly by Coldwater needs to write or email her boss hechingerp@ courttv.com with any proof of their treatment. A change needs to be made in the way this board is moderated and it needs to begin with Coldwaters removal.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd clank the beer mugs for the blog and the comments following. Unfortunately, there are too many board addicts who just don't get it.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey CW, just how big is that bug up your ass that you so urgently want to eliminate long time fun and interesting posters? You used to be a fairly decent person, and a tolerable moderator~ so what the hell happened that turned you into a manipulative, lying, ball-busting, tit-wringing wench?

Are you so lame you don’t get the difference between moderating and dictating? Who ever convinced you that your self-righteous, pompous, views were correct and everyone else is wrong? Furthermore, who told you that the Court TV message board’s allowable viewpoints will be determined by you and you alone? Who told you that everyone not in full compliance with your views should be banned? Are you getting your orders from the cyber-bullies that you have allowed to take over the site? By the way, how did you pick your team of cyber-bullies that you allow to terrorize, intimidate, insult, humiliate, and bash long time posters who somehow got on your shit-list?

When are you going to get it? Everyone is so uncomfortable with your off the cuff banning bullshit there is now a standing joke that the only way of remaining an active member is by searching the forums where some loser posted another “My asshole hurts” pray for me thread.

Get off those goodie-two shoes, politically correct bullshit you are trotting out to everyone but your thugs. Try allowing people to speak their minds, fend for themselves, and enjoy the Court TV site.

CW, count on it - you won't have that job very long. We won't fight your ignorant bullies; we're going to the top dog fighting to get rid of YOU.

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Writing to her boss does no good. I was "reprimanded" and lost a bunch of posts. Didn't break any TOS, just said a friendly greeting to a poster (which is considered "off topic" when CW is in the mood). I had to email her twice (cc her boss) twice to get an explanation, but she forgot why it happened (how convenient- *rolls eyes*) CW said I should be "grateful" for not being banned.

Of course, nobody knows which CW did whatever, but the board has gotten disgusting lately, and I'm with you in getting rid of the bullies and the crap. Thanks for making this a safe place to "vent"

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that it does absolutely no good to call her so-called boss. She definitely has her favorites, too.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a thought. Don't go to CTV ever again. It's that simple. Milions of other places you can go to. sitting around whining and starting a blog about CTV does you no good either. Move on.

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why go away? That won't solve the problem, and believe me, that moderator is a MAJOR problem. THEY should go, not us.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Phoenix Rising said...

HA!!! She banned me for posting on a DIFFERENT message board... I had NEVER broken TOS at CTV... only called things the way I SAW them on the free expanse of another board... and was banned.... who ever THIS CW is... she thinks she is the MOD to the internet NOT just CTV.... Google Warhorse46 for MORE on the long history of Moderator trouble at CTV... BTW... all are welcome at TOC... Truly Open Court... http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=70596 or follow the link to TOCbloggers at blogspot.. and whoever you are... you are MORE then welcome to join... you will NOT find the same atmosphere as you did on CTV boards.... I was there three years.... and let me tell you I know how NOT to run a message board.....

2:00 PM  
Blogger Critique said...

Thanks to all who took the time to voice their opinions!

ONE and only one, VERY familiar Coldwater attitude; you don't like it go elsewhere. I assure you many have. Read the numbers at any given time of how many continue to log on, decline is visible.

You can inflate the numbers by including banned posters and those that never posted to reach your whining totals but the reality is -you are insignificant! As you stated, there ARE other boards!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Critique said...

Lies, errors, lack of memory - all competency problems. The lower the position, the lower the intellect attracted. Pushing buttons does not require a professional and it shows.

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot begin to imagine all this back and forth stuff with the moderator. I don't really want a relationship with a message board moderator. I am so impressed with Smoking Gun and so very amazed that the Message Board is being run in such a personal rather than professional manner.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi folks, this is Richard Owl Mirror
Has anyone ever gotten a positive result by e-mailing CW's boss @ hechingerp@courttv.com ?

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I received the same bullying, humiliating treatment at CTV boards. I think that she has posted on this board in several places, because I recognize her writing style.

Incidently, many of the so called bullies are actually her using different nics, and pretending that there is a heated discussion taking place.

My brother lectures in computing science in Europe and has taken an interest in the effect that she had on me.

He spotted that it was her personally that makes up about 60% of the bullies. Those boards are not as frequented as she is trying to portait.

My brother is itching to pay her a 'visit' with some of his colleagues. I am trying to calm him down and have stopped telling him any more about her.

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for this board, it's so nice to be able to write comments without being harrassed by one of CW's pets, or maybe CW herself posting. I wish more people would come here to vent. I've given this link to several of my board friends who've either been banned or are afraid to post on the CTV board.

Thank you so much !

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Coldwaters Boss at CTV? If anyone knows. thanks

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I make it...lol

4:09 PM  

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